The real voyage of discovery consists in not seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust (1871-1922)

Navigating Change

We work with individuals, teams, and organisations
in change and transformation processes.

„The real voyage of discovery consists in not seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.“
Marcel Proust (1871-1922)

There is one constant in our lives: Change. Whether in our private or professional lives, whether as employees, managers, executives or non-executives, whether as a team or as an entire organisation: every day we encounter the unexpected and the unknown. Our environment is constantly changing. 

We know that we too have to change. However, our behaviour, communication and perspective patterns and our subconscious, which we have practised over years and decades, offer unnoticeable but highly effective resistance. They prevent us from venturing into new territory and embracing the many new opportunities that open up. We often try to respond to adaptive challenges with technical solutions. We recognise the need for change, often we even explicitly want it – and yet change doesn’t happen. 

Where are you currently encountering obstacles that you are looking for support in overcoming? Looking for a navigator who works with you to activate your inner compass so that you can find the right course for your situation? 

The power of your answers lies in asking the right questions.“

Integral Coaching

„I don’t coach the problem. I coach the person.“

Integral Development Coaching goes beyond traditional business coaching, which focuses primarily on achieving specific short-term goals. Integral Development Coaching aims to support coachees in their continuous development towards sustainable, i.e. lastingly effective change. 

The starting point in working with my coaching clients are typical issues that manifest themselves individually in the various areas of the client’s life. These can be, for example, leadership challenges, career and relationship issues. A new professional role may require new behaviours, or crisis and conflict situations may be perceived as unbearably stressful. Using a holistic approach, I support my coachees in exploring, understanding and dealing with the underlying aspects of these issues.

Every coachee is naturally rich in resources and creative and has very special individual skills. I accompany and guide the coachees in a process in which they uncover and work on the experiences and patterns that hold them back, restrict and hinder their behaviour and development. 

Change is achieved less through the teaching of specific „tools“ or methods, but primarily through the relationship between coach and coachee.

Would you like to find out more about Integral Development Coaching? My services are aimed at managers, executive and non-executive directors as well as people in professional and personal change situations and transitions.

Team & Board Development

„Change is (hard) work.“

Team development
In teams, too, situations regularly arise that can lead to a malfunction in collaboration. The team’s core tasks get out of focus. This results in reduced effectiveness and efficiency as well as dissatisfaction and demotivation among team members. Perceptions between team members often remain subconscious or are not articulated at all or only too late in order to avoid conflict.

In team development coaching, I first observe the psychodynamic processes within the team. I then support the team members in clearly articulating their needs and perceptions and thus recognising potential conflicts at an early stage and using them positively both for their own and for their joint development in the spirit of their common task. New thinking is stimulated, fears and conflicts are dealt with, new opportunities are recognised and commitment and motivation are encouraged.

Board Development
What applies to „normal“ teams applies in particular to executive and non-executive boards. The nature and perception of cooperation within the board, both internally and externally, has a profound effect on the entire organisation they lead. They have a significant influence on the organisation’s ability to deal with change and transformation, its efficiency, its effectiveness and its capacity for innovation.

The interaction of long-standing experienced leaders on executive and non-executive boards is often characterised by very different „socialisations“ of their members. I support boards and their members in recognising and understanding each other’s personal behaviours and emotions, overcoming individual protective mechanisms against change and making their optimum contribution to the success of the board in their respective roles. 

Expertise in Change,
Transformation & Transition

With a strong business understanding and extensive experience in complex organisations, I support individuals, teams and organisations in change, transformation and transition situations. My approach as an ICF-certified Integral Development Coach goes beyond traditional solution-focused business coaching. My focus is on lasting, effective adaptive change and transition support. My clients benefit from over 25 years of leadership and executive experience in corporate communications in global organisations ranging from private equity to large listed companies.